We are pleased to announce the GEoREST Workshop on Induced Seismicity that will take place
from 11th to 13th of March 2024 in Palma


The threat and occurrence of high-magnitude, uncontrolled induced seismicity has been a persisting issue in several kinds of subsurface systems for decades now. Research on limiting induced seismicity to improve the safety of these systems began ever since the first observed cases in wastewater injection. The number of groups working to solve this problem only increased with every major event, focusing on various aspects of induced seismicity. Our understanding of the underlying processes has improved consistently, but the recent events at Pohang, Castor, Groningen, etc., have showcased that there is more to learn in terms of the physics, and demand better characterization, monitoring and forecasting systems in place.

This Workshop aims at fostering debate on the latest advances in process understanding, subsurface characterization and forecasting of induced seismicity. We welcome contributions from the academia and industry alike in topics ranging from, but not limited to numerical modeling, laboratory experiments, field studies, application of AI in induced seismicity, etc. We welcome contributions in the form of both posters and oral presentations that broadly fit into the following sessions:

+ Session 1: Understanding of the causes of induced seismicity

+ Session 2: Post-injection seismicity: can we forecast it?

+ Session 3: Subsurface characterization

+ Session 4: Forecasting induced seismicity

+ Session 5: Case Studies of induced seismicity

Important dates

  • 20th of January 2024: Abstract submission deadline
  • 25th of January 2024: Confirmation of abstract acceptance and opening of registration
  • 29th of February 2024: Closing of the registration

Confirmed invited speakers

  • Gillian Foulger (Durham University)
  • Peter Meier (GeoEnergie Suisse)
  • Serge Shapiro (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Leo Eisner (Seismik)
  • Jesús Carrera (CSIC)
  • Ioannis Stefanou (Nantes University)
  • Marie Violay (EPFL)
  • Keita Yoshioka (Montanuniversität Leoben)
  • Grzegorz Kwiatek (GFZ)
  • Yusuke Mukuhira (Tohoku University)
  • Luis Cueto-Felgueroso (Technical University of Madrid)
  • Qinghua Lei (Uppsala University)
  • Silvia De Simone (CSIC)
  • Mateo Acosta (CalTech)
  • Alexis Sáez (EPFL)
  • Jean Schmittbuhl (Strasbourg University)
  • Sarah Weihmann (RWTH Aachen University)
  • James Verdon (University of Bristol)



Monday, 11th March 2024

9:00-9:15Welcome address
Víctor Vilarrasa (CSIC)
Session 1: Understanding of the causes of induced seismicity
9:15-10:00Keynote lecture
Gillian Foulger: HiQuake – a global database of human-induced earthquakes
10:00-10:30Invited talk
Keita Yoshioka: Remote hydraulic fracturing at weak interfaces
10:30-11:00coffee break
11:00-11:30Invited talk
Marie Violay: Studying Fluid-Induced Earthquakes in the Lab
11:30-11:45Oral presentation
Jan Dirk Jansen: The Onset of Depletion-Induced Seismicity in Faulted Reservoirs: Uenishi and Rice revisited
11:45-12:00Oral presentation
Iman R. Kivi: A multi-physics database of injection-induced seismicity in geo-energy projects
12:00-12:15Oral presentation
Yury Alkhimenkov: Three-dimensional numerical modeling of induced seismicity using high-performance
12:15-12:30Oral presentation
Haiqing Wu: Poroelastic effects on the nucleation process of dynamic fault rupture during fluid injection
12:30-12:45Oral presentation
Sandro Andrés Martínez: Pore pressure-dependent friction laws: effects on seismic rupture propagation
12:45-13:00Oral presentation
Kim Taeho: Factors Controlling Rate and Magnitudes of Induced Seismicity
13:00-13:15Oral presentation
Sri Kalyan Tangirala: The role of injection protocol on fracture stimulation in enhanced geothermal
systems (EGS)
Session 2: Post-injection seismicity: can we forecast it?
14:15-15:00Keynote lecture
Jean Schmittbuhl: The 2019-2022 sequence of induced seismicity below the city of Strasbourg, France
15:00-15:30Invited talk
Yusuke Mukuhira:Revisiting pore pressure behavior at the shut-in phase and causality of large
induced seismicity at Basel, Switzerland
15:30-16:45Coffee break + poster session
16:45-17:15Invited talk
Alexis Sáez: Reactivation of fault slip during and after fluid injections
17:15-17:30Oral presentation
Auregan Boyet: Physic-based modelling to understand and forecast post-injection induced seismicity applied
to the Enhanced Geothermal Systems of Basel, Switzerland
17:30-17:45Oral presentation
Yinlin Ji: Mitigated post-injection seismicity associated with fluid extraction in Enhanced Geothermal Systems:
Evidence from lab- and field-scale experiments
17:45-18:00Oral presentation
Regina Fakhretdinova: Revisiting the Basel-1 hydraulic stimulation with a coupled hydro-mechanical model
18:30-20:00Guided tour of Palma

Tuesday, 12th March 2024

Session 3: Subsurface characterization
9:00-9:45Keynote lecture
Leo Eisner: Seismic noise model for optimized induced seismicity monitoring
9:45-10:15Invited talk
Silvia De Simone: On the equivalent Biot and Skempton coefficients of fractured rocks and their impact on
the HM behavior of geological media
10:15-10:30Oral presentation
Zuzana Jechumtálová: Optimal seismic monitoring network for CO2 injection
10:30-11:30Coffee break + poster session
11:30-12:00Invited talk
Sarah Weihmann: Faults, fractures and the future: unveiling the subsurface for a sustainable energy
12:00-12:30Invited talk
Qinghua Lei: Characterisation and modelling of fracture networks in rock with application to
tunnelling-induced seismicity
12:30-12:45Oral presentation
Dario Sciandra: Characterizarion of hydro-mechanical properties of fractures in shale
12:45-13:00Oral presentation
Liudmyla Shumlianska: Nonlinearity approximation and its use in the study of induced seismicity
Session 4: Forecasting induced seismicity
14:00-14:45Keynote lecture
Jesús Carrera: Seismicity induced by geoenergy projects: review of processes and simulation methods
14:45-15:15Invited talk
Ioannis Stefanou: Preventing human-induced seismicity to fight climate change
15:15-15:45Invited talk
James Verdon: An empirically constrained forecasting strategy for induced earthquake magnitudes using
extreme value theory
15:45-16:15coffee break
16:15-16:45Invited talk
Serge Shapiro: Seismotectonic continuum and the probability of maximum earthquakes triggered by
underground technological impacts
16:45-17:15Invited talk
Luis Cueto-Felgueroso: Numerical modeling of injection-induced earthquakes in poroelastic media
using laboratory-derived friction laws
17:15-17:30Oral presentation
Sander Osinga: Characterization of magnitude distributions in induced seismicity settings
17:30-17:45Oral presentation
Matthew Weingarten: Coupling physics-based forecasting and optimization models for induced seismicity
mitigation: a case study from the Raton Basin, USA
17:45-18:00Oral presentation 
Sergio Vinciguerra: Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock
Deformation Laboratory Experiments

Wednesday, 13th March 2024

Session 5: Case Studies of induced seismicity
9:00-9:45Keynote lecture
Peter Meier: Status of the learning curve since Basel from the perspective of a project developer
9:45-10:15Invited talk
Mateo Acosta: On the need to account for fault strength excess and time-dependent nucleation to model
and forecast induced seismicity
10:15-10:30Oral presentation
Víctor Vilarrasa: Castor undergound gas storage project: lessons learnt to avoid project cancellation by
induced seismicity
10:30-11:00coffee break
11:00-11:30Invited talk
Grzegorz Kwiatek: Factors characterizing stable seismic energy release during hydraulic stimulations:
EGS Helsinki and experimental perspective
11:30-11:45Oral presentation
Callum Harrison: Moment Tensor Inversion of Microseismicity at the United Downs Deep Geothermal
Project, Cornwall
11:45-12:00Oral presentation
Jin-Han Ree: The 2017 MW 5.4 Pohang ‘triggered’ earthquake and updates
12:00-12:15Oral presentation
Iman Vaezi: Irreversible strain elucidates microseismicity source mechanisms: Hydroshearing simulation
in fractured crystalline rock at BedrettoLab
12:15-12:30Oral presentation
Martina Rosskopf: Analyzing induced seismicity and their source characteristics during hydraulic
stimulations inthe Bedretto Underground Laboratory
12:30-12:45Oral presentation
Bettina Goertz-Allmann: The value of microseismic in practical applications of CCS monitoring
12:45-13:00Oral presentation
Linus Walter: Forecasting the Temporal Evolution of Induced Seismicity at the Illinois Basing Decatur Project
via Random Forest Model
14:00-14:15Oral presentation
Yuliia Semenova: Ground Seismic Response Analysis of the Decatur, Ill., CO2 sequestration demonstration
14:15-14:30Oral presentation
Germán Rodríguez-Pradilla: Quantifying the variability in fault density across the UK Bowland Shale,
with implications for CCS-induced seismicity hazard in the UK Continental Shelf
14:30-14:45Oral presentation
Sara Hanson-Hedgecock: Probabilistic Data Fusion for Evaluating Induced Seismic Hazards in
Enhanced Geothermal Systems
14:45-15:00Closing of the workshop
Víctor Vilarrasa (CSIC)

Poster sessions

Antony ButcherInduced and Tectonic Seismic Characterisation using Downhole Recordings from Cornwall, UK
Gemma Maria CipressiA methodological approach to characterize seismicity induced by geofluids
Yusuke MukuhiraMachine learning multivariate analysis for injection-induced seismicity risk evaluation
Haiqing WuStochastic poromechanical analysis of induced seismicity – application to the Pohang Mw 5.5 earthquake
Auregan BoyetForecasting induced seismicity to investigate the most convenient strategy for injection and cessation of injection
Iman VaeziImplicit Modeling of a Single Fracture Using a Continuum Equivalent Layer for Simulating Coupled Processes
Víctor VilarrasaGEoREST: predictinG EaRthquakES induced by fluid injecTion
Tian GuoReducing Subsurface Uncertainty with a Machine Learning Model Based on Ground Deformation Measurement
Zhen XuStrategy for Evaluating Coupled THMC Processes during Underground Hydrogen Storage
Sanchit SachdevaFault Stability and Induced Seismicity Under Cycle Injection and Production of H2

Abstract submission

The deadline for abstract submission is the 20th of January 2024.

Abstracts, of up to 500 words, should be sent by filling the Abstract submission form, indicating your preference for oral or poster and your preferred session. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at georest@imedea.uib-csic.es.

The registration fee is 250 €. It includes access to all the sessions along with snacks during coffee breaks and lunch on all days.

Students can apply to one of the 20 registration fee waivers by sending a motivation letter together with their abstract at georest@imedea.uib-csic.es.


The venue will be Ca n’Oleo, a medieval palace in the old town of Palma

Carrer de l’Almudaina, 4, 07122 Palma, SPAIN